Tag : EIA
Aminex announces Approval of EIA for Ruvuma PSA
The National Environment Management Council of Tanzania has approved the EIA for acquisition of further 2D and 3D seismic data over...
Opinion: Environment Impact Reports that Work
Use of EIA as an ex post facto rationalisation for decisions reflects a failure to integrate EIA into project planning.
Tullow Oil to commence ESIA for South Lokichar Oilfied...
Tullow will focus on taking the project towards FID in 2019 with a prudent and flexible plan of execution that will take advantage...
EIA Expert Summoned to Court in Itare Dam Row
The judges want the specialist to shed more light on issues such as public participation, effects of the project and the mitigation...
Dam Construction Raises Environmental Concerns
In a petition presented to the company, air pollution and noise pollution were outlined as a major concern by the residents.
OPINION: Lamu Coal plant EIA Study Downplayed Key Issues
The report contains nothing about exposure of this number of people to toxic waste and does not present a credible plan for disposing...
Inadequate ESIA a threat to the Construction of Office...
The project launched in February consist of 3 basement floors, 16 floors above ground, an observatory level and a roof level featuring...