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Category : Editorial
Choose to Challenge!
Some tasks that women are predominantly involved in like cleaning and washing at the workplace have exposed them to harsh detergents,...
Training Key to Workers' Safety at Construction Sites
Training creates awareness of how to be safe while working, not just for the workers, but also for all other people working within...
Editorial: Kenya in need of a Strong Professional Body...
KOSHA has not made any attempt to make its presence known. Details of the membership criteria, office location or any activities carried...
There's need to ensure safety in Demolitions of Buildings
The demolition stage in the life cycle of a building is of the same importance as planning, design, construction and maintenance stages.
Disaster Management preparedness
Disaster preparedness refers to measures taken to prepare for and reduce the effects of disasters
Opinion: Let's Beat Plastic pollution
The major concern on plastic bag pollution is that plastic bags are usually manufactured for single use
Lessons Kenya could learn from Rwanda on Plastic Bags Ban
Kenyans are slowly adapting to the ban. Supermarkets no longer pack goods in plastic bags, they have Eco-friendly bags which are available...
Haste Makes Waste
If you don't do it right the first time, you will have to do it over, or, somebody else will have to do it over for you.
Enact stricter laws to curb Child Labour
70 percent of children in child labour are working in agriculture that relates mainly to subsistence and commercial farming and herding...
OPINION: Lamu Coal plant EIA Study Downplayed Key Issues
The report contains nothing about exposure of this number of people to toxic waste and does not present a credible plan for disposing...
OPINION: Is Nairobi ready for the next Fire Disaster?
The Occupational safety and health Act 2007 section 78 stipulates precaution that need to be taken when dealing with flammable substances