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Category : OSH News
DOSHS Introduces Unique Identifier for Workplace Registration
Any person who operates a workplace without having been issued with a certificate of registration under the provisions of OSHA, 2007...
Workers Knocked down by Vehicle on Thika Road
It was not immediately clear if there was adequate signage indicating the ongoing works.
Mozambique Parliament ratifies Forced Labour Protocol
Efforts to ensure that relevant labour legislation applies to all workers, that labour inspection services are strengthened are called...
ISO plans February launch for ISO 45001
The final ISO 45001 international standard for occupational safety and health management systems could be published as early as February...
Coal Power Plant Explosion Kills 26 in India
Workplace accidents are common in India, where poor safety standards and lax enforcement of regulations have led to horrific deaths.
Mozambique: Lax Attitude to Safety Blamed For Boat Fire
Fire broke out because the fuel tanks were not protected with material resistant to high temperatures, as should have been normal...
Chinese Construction Firm to Pay for Fatal Road Accident
China Wu Yi's driver was substantially to blame for the collision since he joined the highway from a feeder road before ensuring that...
Mozambique Approves List of Dangerous Work for Children
Some of the activities on the list include in agriculture the driving of heavy machinery or the exposure of children to substances...
Painters to be Trained on Health and Safety
The new strategy will also introduce certification for painters thereby helping professionalize the sector that for years has relied...
UBL launches one week safety campaign
The campaign is part of a celebration to mark five and ten years of 'No Lost Time Accident' at UBL and its spirits plant; International...
Uganda Medical Laboratories Exposing Health Workers to...
The audit report reveals that all laboratories assessed are below average and therefore they could be at increased risk to laboratory...
UN Urges Kenya to Enhance Occupational Safety for Doctors...
UNAIDS Country Director for Kenya Jantine Jacobi told a media briefing in Nairobi that the the country requires a healthy workforce...