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Category : Environment
Donkey Abattoir risks Closure for Poor Waste Management
At the moment, the slaughterhouse does not have dumping site and has been disposing waste in a field the company had set aside for...
Nigeria: Oil spills Linked to Infant Deaths
Oil spills occurring within 10km of a mother's place of residence doubled neonatal mortality rates and impaired the health of her...
Sudan in Talks to Build 400 MW Solar Farm
The 400 MW solar farm could cost about 450 million USD and Sudan is prepared to hand Scatec Solar the PPA, hoping to have the plant...
Simba Essel to Drill Exploration Well in Wajir
The well planned for 2018 aims to test two or more intervals and would fulfill the first part of its drilling commitment to the PSC...
London Distillers Switches to Solar Power
London Distillers will save roughly 180,000 USD in electricity costs per annum and eliminate 330 tons of carbon emissions per annum.
Firm seeks to Generate Electricity from Lake Victoria Hyacinth
Homa Bay Biogas One Ltd expressed interest to construct a power plant in Homa Bay County to generate eight megawatts of electricity...
Tanzanian Government approves ESIA for Mbeya Coal to Power...
The ESIAs are an integral element of the MCPP approval process and a further milestone in the development of this critical energy...
Top Conservationist Involved in Routing of Kenya Oil Pipeline...
Tullow is working with renown anthropologist Richard Leakey to ensure the pipeline will not damage or threaten culturally and historically...
Chinese Firm awarded License for Geothermal Exploration...
Zhejiang Kaishan will conduct geothermal exploration in the area for three years after which they could start construction and operation...
Report: Pollution Kills 3 Times More than AIDS, TB And...
The studies have shown that pollution can be an important cause of diseases many of them potentially fatal
Nakuru Lacks Medical Waste Disposal System
Various facilities have poor-quality burning incinerators that churn out partially burnt medical waste, which are later buried in...
Fears over Medical Waste Incinerator in Residential Area
The facility used in burning of medical waste and has exposed the residents to health and environmental hazards caused by heavy smoke...