Essentials for your First-Aid Kit

The contents of your workplace first aid kit should be guided by your first aid needs assessment, this should take into account the level of hazards, workplace environment and number of employees.

Essentials for your First-Aid Kit

First-Aid Kits and well trained First Aiders are the first step towards getting real medical assistance in case of an emergency at the workplace. Therefore, ensuring the first-aid kit is well maintained is important. It is easy to forget about it and business owners often don’t have the time to maintain it.

The contents of your workplace first aid kit should be guided by your first aid needs assessment, this should take into account the level of hazards, workplace environment and number of employees.

The draft Kenya Occupational Safety and Health (First Aid at Work) Rules, 2021 propose that every workplace should have as a minimum the following items in the first aid box / cupboard.

  1. A copy of First Aid Leaflet DOSH
  2. Absorbent sterilized Cotton wool and/or gauze squares for cleaning wounds
  3. Antiseptic solution for cleaning wounds.
  4. Eye pads
  5. Assorted adhesive sizes strips for wound dressing
  6. Triangular bandages for slings, support/ padding.
  7. Crepe bandages
  8. Assorted sterile and un-medicated dressings to control bleeding and to cover wound.
  9. Safety clips to secure bandages and slings.
  10. A pair of shear scissors
  11. A receptacle for holding dressings and instruments
  12. Small dressing bowls for holding antiseptics
  13. Sterile and non-sterile gloves.
  14. Lubricating eye drop solutions
  15. Resuscitation masks.
  16. Receptacle for waste disposal.
  17. Thermal blanket
  18. Whistle for attracting attention
  19. Torch to use at night
  20. Small mirror to observe breathing

The proposed minimum number of items in the first aid box is dependent on the number of workers in the workplace as prescribed in the Second Schedule of the draft rules.

The following are additional tips to ensure that your first-aid kit is well maintained:

  • Check items regularly to ensure they are within their use-by dates – dispose of them appropriately if they are close to the expiry date.
  • Make sure the first-aid kit opens easily and shuts properly.
  • Ensure that the first-aid kit is not damaged.
  • Check that all of the contents and supplies are adequately stocked.
  • Make sure the sterile products are uncompromised and still sealed.

Only by regularly checking your first-aid kit can you be certain that they will be ready to use when you need them.

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